Fully-funded 4-year PhD studentship in in “Statistical Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Network Traffic Anomaly Detection”

* £17,000 per annum tax-free stipend + full UK/EU fees + annual conference travel budget.

* Applicants must be UK/EU nationals.

* The candidate must start October 2012.

* Application Deadline: 31st July 2012.

This project will develop advanced multivariate statistical and machine learning methodology for the analysis of network traffic measurement data. The aim is to deliver robust detection of hostile cyber activity. Several open problems will be addressed, including the choice of background model, features, and classifiers; and possible incorporation of multiresolution inferential methodology, which may include extensions to wavelet-Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo change point approaches.

The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in exciting recent developments in the convergent disciplines of computational statistics, machine learning, and signal processing.

The research will be undertaken within the UCL Security Science Doctoral Training Centre (UCL SECReT) see and the UCL Dept of Statistical Science . The research is funded by the UK Ministry of Defence and will involve some collaboration with the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.

For informal enquiries, please contact the principal supervisor, Dr. James Nelson, UCL Department of Statistical Science: .

For information on how to apply, please see:
