Workshop: “Sparse structures: statistical theory and practice”, 16-18 June 2010, Bristol, UK

Research workshop: 16-18 June 2010, Bristol, UK

One of the most challenging problems in modern statistics is to find
effective methods for the analysis of complex multi-dimensional data.
Sparsity has been emerging as a major tool for handling statistical
problems in high dimensions. The aim of this workshop is to bring
together theory and practice in modelling high-dimensional data using
these tools.

Invited speakers

Christophe Ambroise (CNRS, Paris)
Francois Caron (Bordeaux)
Sara van de Geer (Zurich)
David Madigan (Columbia)
Nicolai Meinshausen (Oxford)
Sylvia Richardson (Imperial)
Ya’acov Ritov (Jerusalem)
Bernard Silverman (Oxford)
Mike Tipping (consultant)
Alexandre Tsybakov (Paris VI)
Martin Wainwright (Berkeley)

The workshop will also feature a contributed and poster programme.

The number of participants we can accept is limited, and we ask you to
write to us in advance if you wish to attend. We will have some
limited funds for partial support of expenses for junior researchers
(graduate students, and researchers within 3 years of receiving their
Ph.D. degree).

For contributed talks: 15 February 2010 (!)
For poster or participation: 15 March 2010

Further information about the workshop can be found at